Fourth EGC & AI Thematic Day: Knowledge Discovery in the Data Web

Bandeau image
Date de tri
Lieu de l'événement
LRI, bâtiment DIGITEO-660 Claude Shannon


The EGC & IA 2019 day will take place in Orsay, on Friday, May 10, 2019 in the premises of the LRI, DIGITEO-660 Claude Shannon building
Corps de texte

This thematic day is supported by the associations AFIA and EGC as well as by the LRI (Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique) and by the Research Division of the University of Paris Sud.


Today, we are witnessing an unprecedented production of structured data, published in the form of knowledge graphs accessible via the Data Web. Knowledge graphs (KGs) such as DBpedia, YAGO and Wikidata on the academic side, or Google Knowledge Graph, Facebook Graph or Microsoft's Satori Knowledge Graph on the industry side, describe entities (such as people, proteins or books). This knowledge is generally expressed in RDF (Resource Description Framework), expressing facts such as

"Macron, PresidentDe, France". Some knowledge graphs are associated with ontologies that express the knowledge of the domain represented using standard languages such as OWL2 (Web Ontology Language).

Although incomplete, heterogeneous and potentially containing errors, these knowledge graphs contain an important pool of information that can be exploited to automatically discover new knowledge.   

This fourth edition of the EGC&IA thematic days dedicated to the discovery of knowledge in the Data Web will be the ideal opportunity to initiate exchanges between academic and industrial researchers around this theme.


9:15  - Welcome of participants 

9:40  - Opening of the day 

9:45  - Presentation of the AFIA and EGC associations 

10:00  - Guest speaker: Luis Galarraga (CR INRIA at IRISA) on the theme of "Interpretability for ML classifiers: hybrid techniques based on black box classifiers and interpretable control modules".

11:00 - Learning How to Correct a Knowledge Base -Thomas Pellissier Tanon, Camille Bourgaux, Fabian Suchanek    

11:30  - Towards Interactive Causal Relation Discovery Driven by an Ontology - Melanie Munch, Juliette Dibie-Barthélemy, Pierre-Henri Wuillemin, Cristina Manfredotti 

12:00-13:30 Lunch break 

13h30 - Enhancing the interlinking quality: A structure-based approach - Pierre-Henri Paris, Fayçal Hamdi, Samira Si-Said Cherfi 

14h00 - Scalable Schema Discovery for RDF Data - Redouane Bouhamoum - Zoubida Kedad and Stéphane Lopes

14h30 - Revealing the Conceptual Schemas of RDF Datasets Subhi Issa - Pierre-Henri Paris, Fayçal Hamdi and Samira Si-Said Cherfi

15:00-15:30 - break

15h30 - Redescriptions and Formal Concept Analysis for Mining Definitions in Linked Data - Justine Reynaud, Yannick Toussaint, Amedeo Napoli

16h00 - Linkex: A Tool for Link Key Discovery Based on Pattern Structure - Nacira Abbas, Jérôme David, Amedeo Napoli

16h30 - Closing of the day


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