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Actualité | Job offer

The Idiap Research Institute is an independent, nonprofit research foundation affiliated with the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL). Its activities encompass basic research, training (graduate and post-graduate level), and technology transfer activities in the area of Artificial Intelligence for Society including, among others, multimedia information management, human-computer interaction, perceptual and cognitive systems, natural language processing and understanding, social media, biometric person recognition, multimodal information interfaces, applied artificial intelligence (AI) and large-scale machine learning. Daniel Gatica-Perez is looking for 3 postdoc.
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Date de l'événement (intitulé)
Thursday 13 september 2018
David Restrepo Amariles, Professor of Law at HEC Paris, and Michalis Vazirgiannis, Professor of Data Science at Ecole polytechnique, heads of the project Smart Lawyer selected by DATAIA Institute, organize on Thursday 13 september 2018 at 16h30 a seminar with Professor Ken Satoh, Graduate University for Advance Studies, Japan.
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Date de l'événement (intitulé)
From 25 to 28 september 2018
Nozha Boujemaa will give a keynote untitled "Toward Trusted and Safe AI" during MEDES'18 conference to be held in Tokyo Metropolitan University in Japon from 25 to 28 september 2018.
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Actualité | AAP

Connected objects, specifically conversational agents like Google Home, bring a new dimension to interaction and could become a mean of influencing individuals. They are currently neither regulated nor evaluated and very obscure. Based on the study of "nudges", techniques to modify the behavior of people, the team of Laurence Devillers "Affective and social dimensions in the spoken interactions" with Ioana Vasilescu, Gilles Adda of LIMSI - CNRS, and the "Digital Economy" team from the RITM laboratory; Grazia Cecere, Fabrice Le Guel and Serge Pajak, University Paris-Sud, have decided to collaborate to highlight the importance of ethics in the creation of these objects.
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Date de l'événement (intitulé)
13th-14th September, 2018
L'Institut DATAIA sponsors the third edition of JDSE which will be held on September 13th-14th, 2018 at the Laboratoire de l'Accélérateur Linéaire of Orsay.
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Date de l'événement (intitulé)
January 7-11, 2019
Save the Date: the 2nd International Winter School on Big Data (BigDat 2019) will be held in the University of Cambridge on January 7-11, 2019.
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Date de l'événement (intitulé)
Tuesday 17 July, 2018
2018 LIA - CNRS Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and its Applications will be held on July 17th, 2018, at Amphi I, Eiffel building, CentraleSupélec, Gif-sur-Yvette.
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Actualité | AAP

Julie Josse, professor of statistics at the École polytechnique and researcher at the French Centre for Applied Mathematics (CMAP), and Gaël Varoquaux, Parietal team researcher at the Inria Saclay - Île-de-France centre, have decided to combine their expertise in order to tackle, together, the problems of missing data and to propose new decision support methods. The MissingBigData project has been selected by the DATAIA Institute as part of its first call for research projects. How did this collaboration come about? What are the challenges of their interdisciplinary research? Julie and Gaël present MissingBigData.
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Actualité | International partnerships

The Alan Turing Institute signs agreement with the DATAIA Institute to promote collaboration between France and the UK.
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Date de l'événement (intitulé)
21-22 novembre 2018
The DATAIA Institute supports the ‘Artificial Intelligence–International Research and Applications: 1st Japanese-German-French Symposium’ organised by the Department for Science and Technology of the French Embassy in Japan, the German Research and Innovation Forum (DWIH) and the German Embassy to Japan in Tokyo on Wednesday 21st and Thursday 22nd, November, 2018.