First DATAIA Days « Safety & AI »

First DATAIA Days « Safety & AI »
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DATAIA Days is a serie of events that bring together academic and professional experts to debate about topics that have a strong social impact.
For this first meeting, the organizers Pablo Piantanida (CentraleSupélec) and François Terrier (CEA List), with the participation of DigiCosme, invited some experts to give their point of view about the safety of AI.
The day started with the keynote speech of Rob Ashmore (UK Defense Science & Technology Laboratory) : « Assuring the Machine Learning Lifecycle ».
It continued with other presentations of researchers from the plateau de Saclay and a poster session.
During the afternoon, industrial exponents (EDF, IBM, Thalès, Renault) tackled the topic from a business point of view.
Finally, the day concluded with a roundtable of professionals, moderated by DATAIA’s Bureau member Jean-Noël Patillon, who discussed about « Safety AI, Industrial Challenges ».
The next DATAIA Days event is planned for the 4th December, and the discussions will be about Agronomy and AI.
More information coming soon. In the meantime, you can subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on Twitter. Do not miss our news !
- Bertrand Thirion (DATAIA)
- François Terrier (CEA List)
- Pablo Piantanida (CentraleSupélec) « Explainability for machine learning »
- Rob Ashmore (DSTL) - « Assuring the machine learning lifecycle »
- Catuscia Palamidessi (Inria, LIX) - « Machine learning and privacy : friends or enemies? »
- Rafaël Pinot (Paris Dauphine PSL & CEA) - « Randomization techniques for robustness to adversarial attacks »
- Guillaume Charpiat (LRI/Inria) - « Formal validation for machine learning »
- Morayo Adedjouma (CEA List) - «Safety evaluation process for AI based autonomous systems »
- Jean-François Puget (IBM) - « Trustworth AI systems »
- Youssef Laarouchi (EDF) - « IA et sécurité »
- Javier Ibanez-Guzman (Renault) - « Autonomous vehicle expert »
- David Sadek (Thalès) - « Trust on AI »
- Jean-Noël Patillon (CEA)
- Julien Chiaroni (Grand Défi)
- Michaël Krajecki (Agence de l'innovation pour la défense)