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69 results found

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Actualité | DATAIA

On March 25 and 26, the teams of the DATAIA project "Bad Nudge, Bad robot" met the members of the CREST project "Experiential supplements" and DFKI. This meeting allowed the development of a framework for a collaborative project between DATAIA .
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Actualité | Event

Stéphane Mallat will give the opening lecture for this third edition of Data Science Summer School, which will be held on the École Polytechnique campus.
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Actualité | DATAIA

Once again this year, many quality projects have responded to the 2019 call for research projects. The DATAIA Program Committee is pleased to announce the topics selected.
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Actualité | Recherche

Challenges in extracting information from scientific texts to improve access to and use of scientific information.
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Actualité | Recherche

Produced with Campus Channel, ENSTA ParisTech offers a video to answer this question by providing its expertise.
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Actualité | Artificial Intelligence

Professor at the University of Paris-Sud, member of LIMSI laboratory and researcher in Artificial Intelligence, Nicolas Sabouret is publishing this week a popular science book about Artificial Intelligence.
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Actualité | Event

Save the Date : the next edition of the Data Science Summer School (DS3), co-organised by DATAIA Institute and Ecole polytechnique, will be held from June 24 to 28, 2019 on the PolytechniqueCampus.
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Actualité | AAP

The technological advance in sensors and the development of IoT (Internet of Things) generate a growing number of space-time data that will test and analyze StreamOps, a new streaming platform. Karine Zeitouni, Yehia Taher (DAVID Laboratory, Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines University) and Cédric Gouy-Pailler (Laboratory of Data Analysis and Systems Intelligence, CEA List) decided to join their skills to propose to the scientific community a new, simple tool for developing powerful algorithms that can handle data flow problems. This tool will apply in particular in the medical field in collaboration with Philippe Aegerter (Inserm UMR 1168) and Marc Fischler (Foch Hospital, Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines University).
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Actualité | AAP

Although the world has been shaken up by artificial intelligence and the exploitation of personal data, the place of individuals and the control of their data have become central issues in the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the law for a digital Republic. Célia Zolynski, Professor of Private Law at the University of Versailles - Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (UVSQ), and Nicolas Anciaux, Petrus team research director at Inria Saclay - Île-de-France, seized the opportunity offered by the DATAIA Institute to enable a collaboration of computer scientists and lawyers to analyse the Personal Cloud architectures available today, and establish the responsibilities of each of them with the central objective of protecting the individual.
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Actualité | Job offer

The Idiap Research Institute is an independent, nonprofit research foundation affiliated with the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL). Its activities encompass basic research, training (graduate and post-graduate level), and technology transfer activities in the area of Artificial Intelligence for Society including, among others, multimedia information management, human-computer interaction, perceptual and cognitive systems, natural language processing and understanding, social media, biometric person recognition, multimodal information interfaces, applied artificial intelligence (AI) and large-scale machine learning. Daniel Gatica-Perez is looking for 3 postdoc.