The DATAIA Paris-Saclay Institute

Winner of the "Instituts Convergences" call for projects launched by the French National Research Agency (ANR) in 2017, the DATAIA Institute has gathered the artificial intelligence (AI) expertise of the Paris-Saclay ecosystem to strengthen interdisciplinary collaboration between institutions in data science and AI. In January 2021, the Institute refocused its activities on the Université Paris-Saclay cluster of excellence, becoming the bearer of the University's strategy in artificial intelligence, research and training. As France's leading artificial intelligence ecosystem, DATAIA Paris-Saclay Institute aims to federate and structure multi-disciplinary expertise to develop cutting-edge research in data science in conjunction with other disciplines, such as the humanities and social sciences. It now mobilizes over 800 researchers and teacher-researchers from 47 laboratories (including 15% international) within the Paris-Saclay University perimeter.
In 2024, the Institute was officially awarded the "Cluster-IA" label by the French government.
Paris-Saclay University
Paris-Saclay University comprises ten universities, four "grandes écoles", the Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques, two associate member universities and laboratories shared with major research organizations. It offers students prestigious training courses that enable them to find employment and put their knowledge to good use in a wide range of scientific and economic sectors. Université Paris-Saclay and its members have distinguished themselves in a large number of disciplines, making the university the No. 1 university in France in 12 fields, No. 1 in continental Europe and No. 12 in the world for all disciplines combined.

The aim of the DATAIA Paris-Saclay Institute is to bring together multi-disciplinary skills and energize the power of academic and industrial partners within the Paris-Saclay perimeter to develop disruptive research in AI, data science and their societal impacts. The "Cluster-IA" certification aims to achieve four objectives:
🇫🇷 MAKE FRANCE A WORLD LEADER IN AI By establishing an internationally recognized interdisciplinary cluster that tackles economic and societal challenges, including ethics, ecology and sovereignty
👥 FOSTER THE TRANSFORMATION OF SOCIETY Thanks to AI by significantly increasing the number of students trained in AI
🔄 ESTABLISH AN EFFECTIVE CONTINUUM Between research, innovation and training
✅ ENSURE THE ADAPTABILITY OF THE DATAIA-CLUSTER To the rapid evolutions and impacts of AI
Make concerted progress on the state of the art in data science, preparing the way for the emergence of innovative artificial intelligence services (from algorithms to proofs of concept), and the junction of the human sciences and the digital revolution.
Develop and promote excellence in training by supporting innovative programs at Master's and PhD level, and by being active in scientific leadership, to train the next generation of data scientists.
Strengthen the dialogue between the academic and industrial communities and consolidate the international visibility and expertise of the Paris-Saclay data science community, in particular by hosting leading scientists.
Bringing together multidisciplinary research skills to produce new knowledge. This wealth of expertise represents an unrivalled opportunity in data science and artificial intelligence in France.