[🔴 CLOSED CALL] COFUND DeMythif.AI - Call for international applications to PhD program

The European Commission has selected the COFUND DeMythif.AI project led by DATAIA Institute for Paris-Saclay University. This €3M funding will enable the co-financing of around twenty theses for the start of the 2025 academic year, on the theme of “AI and uncertainty”: controlling uncertainty, managing explicability, encouraging frugality, across a wide spectrum of applications in fundamental or applied sciences and engineering. These themes are deliberately open-ended to enable a broad integration of issues in and around AI within Paris-Saclay.
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COFUND Demythif.AI

[🔴 CLOSED CALL] COFUND DeMythif.AI - Call for international applications to PhD program

  • Timetable for 2024-2025
  • More details
  • Details on how to apply on ADUM?


Corps de texte

Paris-Saclay University COFUND DeMythif.AI call
for international applications to PhD program

Paris-Saclay University has launched a call for applications for 21 grants on 48 possible PhD topics on the broad theme of “AI and uncertainty”. This call will close on January 17th 2025, at 23:59 CET.

21 successful candidates will be fully funded for 3-years PhD, starting fall 2025. For each selected candidate, the european Marie Sklodowska Curie Action DeMythif.AI funds a doctoral scholarship of excellence, with a salary aligned on the French Ministry of Research grant, funding for entrance mobility and mobility during PhD. DeMythif.AI students will benefit from dedicated events, specific doctoral training courses and have the opportunity to spend up to three months in an external company or laboratory through the complementary activities support.

The DeMythif.AI theme of "AI and uncertainty" is broad: controlling uncertainties, managing explicability, and encouraging frugality, across a wide spectrum of applications in fundamental or applied sciences and engineering. These PhD topics are hosted in top-level laboratories from Université Paris-Saclay and supervised by leading researchers to train the next generation of AI scientists to address thrilling questions in various scientific domains.  Some PhD are co-funded by companies.

DeMythif.AI is supported by CNRS, CEA, INRIA, INRAE and Onera, as well as IFPEN, LNE and ILLS, GIS LARTISSTE, IRT SystemX, EDF, GE Healthcare, IBM, RTE, Safran, Sanofi, SLB, startups Quantmetry, Cairnbio, LightOn and Phimeca.

👉For all questions relating to international hosting (visas, accommodation, etc.), please consult the Paris-Saclay University International Hosting Center page.

👉 Questions about the DeMythif.AI program in general and the selection process should be sent to demythifai-contact@inria.fr.

Timetable for 2024-2025
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  • October 25, 2024 l Deadline for submission of thesis topics on ADUM (presentation of scientific background, topic, host team, possible co-funding)

  • ❗November 2024 - January 17, 2025 l Publication of subject, submission of student applications❗

  • January 17, 2025 - May 2025 l Selection of the best student-topic pairs

  • October 2025 l Start of second academic year DeMythif.AI

Corps de texte

Subjects are listed on this page: topics are ordered per Doctoral School then per host Laboratory. Clicking on the title brings a page with details on the PhD. In some case an additional pdf with scientific details might be provided.

Nom de l'accordéon
Doctoral School - Information and Communication Sciences and Technologies
Texte dans l'accordéon
Laboratory : Formal Methods Laboratory (LMF) - Université Paris-Saclay, CentraleSupélec, CNRS


Laboratory : Centre Inria de Saclay - Île-de-France


Laboratory : Données Algorithmes pour une Ville Intelligente et Durable (DAVID) - UVSQ


Laboratory : Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire des Sciences du Numérique (LISN) - Université Paris-Saclay


Laboratory : Laboratoire des Signaux et Systèmes (L2S) - CentraleSupélec, CNRS, Université Paris-Saclay


Laboratory : Traitement de l'Information et Systèmes (TIS) - ONERA


Laboratory : Laboratoire des systèmes et Applications des Technologies de l'Information et de l'Energie (SATIE) - ENS Paris-Saclay
Laboratory : Informatique, BioInformatique, Systèmes Complexes (IBISC) - UEVE


Laboratory : Centre de Vision Numérique (CVN) - CentraleSupélec, Inria, CNRS
Nom de l'accordéon
Doctoral School - Interfaces: materials, systems, uses
Nom de l'accordéon
Doctoral School - Physics in the Paris Region
Texte dans l'accordéon
Nom de l'accordéon
Doctoral School - Structure and dynamics of living systems
Nom de l'accordéon
Doctoral School - Astronomy and Astrophysics of Ile-de-France
More details
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  • The call closes on January 17th, 2025 23:59 CET;

  • Students of all nationalities should fulfill  the MSCA criterion of not having spent more than 12 months in France since January 18th, 2022;

  • Students should have a master degree in Computer Science or the application science relevant to the PhD topic; the exact rule depends on the Doctoral School where the PhD topic is listed;

  • Students should have a C1 level or equivalent in English. No level in French is required;

  • Students should not apply to more than 3 topics;

  • A first pre-selection of 45 candidates will be done based on academic credentials and submission material, including 3 letters of reference;

  • If they apply to several topics, they will be asked after pre-selection to order them by order of preference;

  • The 45 pre-selected candidates will be interviewed remotely to present their topic and answer the jury's questions;

  • The selection committee, gathering international and renowned specialists, will select the 15 best candidates, plus back-up list by May 2025.

Details on how to apply on ADUM?
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All applications should be done through the ADUM platform. Please read carefully and follow the instructions:


  • Note the PhD supervisor name, the Graduate School of the topic (french name), and the Doctoral School (french name);
  • At the bottom of the page obtained when clicking on the title of a PhD, click on “Candidate”;
  • This opens the “PhD application space”:
    • Log in to your account
    • or Create an account if not already done
      • Établissement: please select Université Paris-Saclay GS [Name of the Graduate School in French], and then the Doctoral School (french name);
    • Fill the diploma (possibly being prepared) allowing you to apply to a PhD;
    • Fill other diploma;
    • Fill other information;
    • In particular, fill your level of english and in french;
  • Then, you then you need to find again the PhD topic, easiest is to use the name of the supervisor. Please note that at this level, you are exposed to all PhD topics, be careful to select the one belonging to DeMythif.AI program;
  • Fill in your motivation: please start with “This is an application to the DeMythif.AI program”;
  • Fill in all additional information (internships etc...) relevant to your application;
  • Open your application form (containing all the information you have provided, as well as the PhD topic) and then, sign it;
  • Create a one-page PDF document with the sentence “I, [FIRST NAME, LAST NAME], hereby declare that I have not stayed in France for more than one year between January 18th, 2022 and January 17th, 2025” with your signature (this document is specifically required for this call) ;
  • Build a PDF with all required information, up to 3 letters of reference (please ignore possible indications to have the letters sent elsewhere);
  • Application deadline for the DeMythif.AI program is Friday, January 17, 2025 at 23:59 CET, even if mentioned otherwise in the specific PhD form.


Last but not least, please check this web page in the weeks leading to the closing of the call, as it might be enriched with answers to commonly asked questions.