3e colloque sur l’imagerie médicale à l’heure de l'intelligence artificielle

This colloquium is dedicated to algorithms in medicine. Its two main areas of interest are the automatic analysis of medical images and the collection and analysis of large data, now made possible by the computerization of patient follow-up.
The presentations will bring together researchers and industrialists in imaging and data analysis with a particular emphasis on statistical learning techniques developed in the field of artificial intelligence, physicians discussing the medical contributions of these new methods, actors in the methods of collection and exploitation of large medical data, and lawyers concerned by the legal issues raised by all these topics.
The symposium will end with an analysis of the transformations that will be brought to the health system, followed by a global discussion.
Steering Committee
- Nicholas Ayache, équipe-projet Epione, Inria, 3iA Côte d’Azur, Sophia Antipolis
- Gérard Berry, Professeur émérite, Collège de France, Paris
- Francis Besse, Service de radiologie, Centre de Cardiologie Nord, Saint-Denis
- Stanley Durrleman, Aramis Lab, Inria /Institut du Cerveau, Paris
- Jean Feydy, Imperial College London, Londres
- Vincent Guillaumot, Archimed Group, Lyon
- Antoine Jomier, Incepto Medical, Paris
- Jerôme Knoplioch, General Electric Healthcare, Paris
- Bruno Potier de la Varde, avocat aux Conseils, Paris
- Anne-Laure Rousseau, Hôpital Européen George Pompidou, NHance, Paris
- Bertrand Thirion, équipe-projet Parietal, Inria, Institut DATAIA, Saclay
Due to the current sanitary situation, the event will take place virtually.
Registration is free but mandatory.