Conferences / Workshops

8th Journée YSP (Young Statisticians and Probabilists)

Bandeau image
Date de tri
Lieu de l'événement
Institut Henri Poincaré - amphithéâtre Hermite


The SFdS Young Statisticians group organizes the 8th journée YSP, to allow young probabilistic and statisticians to meet and share their knowledge in a friendly atmosphere and to discover the scope of the research world.
Corps de texte

The objective of these days is to offer to M2 students, doctoral students and young doctors in statistics and probability a friendly framework for exchanges and meetings, structured around four thematic sessions. Each session aims to provide an overview of a field of research, through a 30-minute tutorial, followed by more current 15-minute presentations. 

The themes selected are:

  • financial risks
  • population models 
  • climate modeling
  • interpretable machine learning