🌳 AI & Environment Day, co-organized with Graduate School Géosciences

Bandeau image
Journée IA & Environnement
Date de tri
Lieu de l'événement
CentraleSupélec, Amphi. Peugeot (sc.046 - Bouyguesbuilding)


Join us on June 11 for a day dedicated to AI and environment, organized by GS Géosciences and DATAIA Institute! At the crossroads of major societal issues and technological developments, this day will take the form of conferences, followed by a round-table discussion with industry professionals. Lunch will be provided for registrants.
Corps de texte

9am. Welcome and introduction - Cécile Mallet


9:15am-10:15am. Session 1 - Chair : Cécile Mallet

9:15am. Martin Schwartz (LSCE) et Fajwel Fogel (ENS)
Artificial intelligence estimation of canopy height from satellite and lidar imagery

9:45am. Nicolas Viltard  (LATMOS)
Deep Learning & Spatial observation of precipitation


10:15am-10:45am. Round-table with industrials actors "Trustworthy AI"- Chair : Céline Hudelot

Habiboulaye Amadou-Boubacar (Air Liquide)
Julie Richon (Capgemini)
François Mercier (HD Rain)


10:45am-11am. Coffee break


11am-12:30pm. Session 2 - Chair : Soulivanh Thao

11am. Claire Monteleoni (INRIA Paris - Choose France Chaire en IA)
AI Research for Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability

11:30am. Lucia Clarotto (Inrae)
Spatio-temporal random fields on meshed surfaces defined from advection-diffusion SPDEs : application to environmental data

12pm. Samira Aka (LSCE, Square Management, Supélec)
Discrete Multivariate Generalized Pareto Distribution with Application to Droughts

12:15pm. Mélanie Bosc (DPHY, ONERA)
Predicting thunderstorm risk using neural networks


12:30pm-2pm. Lunch break


2pm-3pm. Session 3 - Chair : Gilles Faÿ

2pm. Nina Otter (Inria Paris-Saclay)
A topological perspective on weather regimes

2:30pm. Baptiste Guigal (thèse CIFRE LATMOS, Bowen)
Machine learning and traditional methods for precipitation nowcasting using Radar Data

2:45pm. Nathalie Bertrand (IRSN)
Assessment of climate extremes in a changing climate for consideration in the nuclear safety approach


3pm-3:15pm. Small break


3:15pm-3:45pm. Round-table with industrials actors "Generative AI" - Chair : Myriam Tami

Yann Richet (IRSN)
Bertrand Leroy (Renault)
Victor Bouvier (Suez)


3:45pm. Conclusion of the meeting - Gilles Faÿ

Organizing Committee
Corps de texte

■   Gilles Faÿ (MICS/CentraleSupélec)
■   Cécile Mallet (LATMOS/UVSQ)
■   Soulivahn Thao (LSCE)
■   Eric Tordjeman (Institut DATAIA)