Causality and missing data group meeting | Juha Karvanen - « Causal inference with multiple incomplete data sources »

Juha Karvanen (University of Jyväskylä, Department of Mathematics and Statistics), will lead this webinar on the topic « Causal inference with multiple incomplete data sources ».
Assume that you have conducted an experiment where the effect of A on B is studied. An earlier study indicates that B affects C. Can we combine these data sources to estimate the causal effect of A on C? What if we have only observational data on A and B?
In this talk, I will present a tool for causal effect identification from multiple data sources. The data sources may suffer from selection bias and missing data. The do-search algorithm (implemented in the R package dosearch) can solve a wide range of causal and non-causal identifiability problems. The examples presented include combining observations and experiments, identification in missing not at random scenarios and causal inference under the case-control design. In an illustration, data from NHANES 2013-2016 surveys and results from a published meta-analysis are combined to estimate the reduction in average systolic blood pressure under an intervention where the use of table salt is discontinued.
The webinar will take place on Thursday 14 May at 17.00.
It will be broadcasted on the platform BigBlueButton. To participate, click here.