Conferences / Workshops

[CONFERENCE] AI Action Summit - AI, Science and Society

Bandeau image
Sommet IA
Date de tri
Lieu de l'événement
Campus de l'Institut Polytechnique de Paris - Ecole Polytechnique, Route de Saclay, 91120, Palaiseau


An international scientific conference will take place on February 6 and 7 at the École Polytechnique and will focus on the impact of the development of artificial intelligence on science and society. This event will take place ahead of the Summit for Action on AI organized on February 10 and 11 at the initiative of the French authorities at the Grand Palais in Paris.
Corps de texte

On February 6 and 7, the École Polytechnique will host an international scientific conference on artificial intelligence entitled "AI Science and Society" that will bring together researchers, business leaders, policy makers and experts to discuss the impact of AI on science and society.

The Summit will bring together at the Grand Palais, heads of state and government, leaders of international organizations, small and large companies, representatives of academia, researchers, non-governmental organizations, artists and other members of civil society. A large number of countries and sectors will be represented in order to make this summit as inclusive as possible.

The AI ​​revolution is set to transform jobs, education, culture and economies around the world. Building on the important milestones set at the Bletchley Park (November 2023) and Seoul (May 2024) summits, this Summit will focus on concrete actions to ensure that the development and deployment of AI benefits our societies, our economies and the environment, in the general interest and respect for the common good.