MSH Paris-Saclay | 5 years of interdisciplinarity on a Plateau

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MSH Paris-Saclay
Date de tri
Lieu de l'événement
Hotel de Lauzun - 75004 Paris


The purpose of this event will be to go through of 5 years of interdisciplinary research and to launch pahst for the future of research in the human and social sciences (SHS) in Paris-Saclay.
Corps de texte

MSH Paris-Saclay will celebrate its 5th anniversary on November 20th during an anniversary symposium at the IEA in Paris.

Three exceptional conferences will be given in order to consider the opening of the SHS in Paris-Saclay on the themes of climate change, artificial intelligence and open science.

Laurence Devillers (Professor of Artificial Intelligence and Ethics at Sorbonne University, Director of the team « Emotional and social dimensions in spoken interactions » at LIMSI-CNRS, and member of the board of the DATAIA Institute) will speak at 14.00 on the theme: « Artificial Intelligence & Social and emotional robotics: multidisciplinary and ethical challenges ».