Claire Nédellec

Link with bioinformatic community, INRAE (MaIAGE team)
Claire Nédellec is a research director in computer science, in charge of the Bibliome team (INRAE Jouy-en-Josas and Université Paris-Saclay). After 10 years spent at the LRI (Université Paris-Sud) as a PhD student under the supervision of Yves Kodratoff, then as a teacher-researcher, she joined the MaIAGE unit at INRAE, where she created the Bibliome team. Her research focuses on extracting information from texts in the life sciences and formalizing it using ontologies. She also contributes to the development of open text mining services for scientists, as part of international and national projects. She coordinated the drafting of CoSO (Committee for Open Science) recommendations on automatic document analysis (2019).