Paul-Henry Cournède

Paul-Henry Cournède graduated from Centrale Paris (class of 97) and Cambridge University (Master of Advanced Study in Mathematics). He then completed a thesis in applied mathematics between the CEA and Centrale Paris, a post-doctorate at INRIA Sophia-Antipolis, and became a teacher-researcher at the school in 2002. Today, he is a Professor in the Mathematics Department and, since 2016, head of the MICS laboratory. He leads the Biomathematics research team, which focuses on the analysis of biological systems and data, with strong applications in oncology as part of the partnership with Gustave Roussy. He is also a member of the Fédération de Mathématiques, the Conseil des Etudes de CentraleSupélec, the Conseil Scientifique de la Faculté de Médecine de l'Université Paris-Saclay, the Comité Scientifique et pédagogique de l'Ecole de l'Inserm Pfizer Innovation, and the Comité ANR Laboratoires Communs.