
The HistorIA project at IEEE VIS 2020

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The HistorIA project at IEEE VIS 2020

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The HistorIA project, selected at the call for research projects launched in 2018 by the DATAIA Institute, will present two papers and a challenge at the conference IEEE VIS 2020.
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The IEEE VIS conference, the most important international conference in the field of visualization, will take place virtually from the 25th to the 30th October


At this occasion, two research papers related to the HistorIA project will be presented:

  • Valdivia, P., Buono, P., Plaisant, C., Dufournaud, N. and Fekete, J-D., Analyzing Dynamic Hypergraphs with Parallel Aggregated Ordered Hypergraph Visualization. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, ⟨10.1109/TVCG.2019.2933196⟩.
  • Pister, A., Buono, P., Fekete, J-D., Plaisant, C. and Valdivia, P., Integrating Prior Knowledge in Mixed Initiative Social Network Clustering, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics.


The team of researchers working on HistorIA (with other members of the joint team Inria-Université Paris-Saclay Aviz), have also taken part to the international competition « VAST Challenge 2020 » in the category « Mini Challenge 1 ».

Their submission entitled « GraphletMatchMaker: Visual Analytics Approaches to Graph Matching in Cybersecurity Communities », winner of the « Award for Outstanding Comprehensive Mini-Challenge 1 Solution » will also be presented during the IEEE VIS conference.

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Le projet « HistorIA »

Directed by Jean-Daniel Fekete (Inria) and Christophe Prieur (Télécom Paris), the HistorIA project aims to develop large historical databases by applying data mining methods to them, notably around the analysis of networks of relationships.

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