[INRA] The INRA MaIAGE unit is launching two "data challenges" in text mining and biology

[INRA] The INRA MaIAGE unit is launching two "data challenges" in text mining and biology
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Challenges in extracting information from scientific texts to improve access to and use of scientific information.
Corps de texte
On 15 April 2019, the MaIAGE unit launched "Bacteria Biotope" (BB'19) and SeeDev'19 (Event extraction of genetic and molecular mechanisms involved in plant seed development), two challenges for extracting information from scientific texts to improve access to and use of scientific information by text mining methods as part of the BioNLP Open Shared Task.
The "Bacteria Biotope" challenge is funded by DataIA's "Data Challenge" action.
Participants have until early July to refine their methods. Rendez-vous on November 4 at the EMNLP conference workshop (Hong Kong) for the presentation of the results.
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