
The Minister of the Armed Forces, Florence Parly, visiting DATAIA

The Minister of the Armed Forces, Florence Parly, visiting DATAIA

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On Friday, April 5, DATAIA received the visit of Minister Florence Parly, to present the strategy of the Ministry of Armed Forces in terms of Artificial Intelligence.
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This visit was an opportunity for DATAIA to organise a showroom and present several projects on three themes to DATAIA and its guests. 


Artificial Intelligence and Information Management

  • Iona Manolescu presented ConnectionsLens : How do you know if you can trust information? How do we do it in real life? Use of data and AI against fakenews.  
  • Fabian Suchanek presented Minister Florence Parly with one of the first major public knowledge bases: YAGO , which won the "Test of time award" of the WWW 2018 conference.

ionana   Fabian

Artificial intelligence and interactions

  • We also received Jean-Luc Gauvain, who came to present the different uses of AI for speech analysis in the service of defence.
  • Laurence Devillers talked to us about verbal interactions between humans and machines. How can nudges influence our motivations and decisions?
    Projet "Bad Nudges, Bad Robots"

Jean luc   Laurence


Artificial intelligence and embedded technologies

  • Marc Duranton and Olivier Bichler welcomed us on their stand to discuss the design of computation architecture, for more efficient embedded AI solutions. N2D2
  • Finally, the Blueforce for Solidarity tool was presented to the Minister by Thomas Bonis and Vincent Rouvreau. It allows the immediate location of the agent without installing infrastructure and without penalizing his mission

Marc et olivier   Thomas


Following this visit, Minister Florence Parly delivered her speech presenting to the assembly her new strategy in Artificial Intelligence for the French armies, in line with the national plan. She describes the Saclay Plateau as the convergence of the most remarkable talents, and insists on the desire to develop a robust, trustworthy and ethical AI at all levels.


Review the Minister's speech

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