Paris joins the ELLIS European network

ELLIS is a European organisation created to strengthen AI research. It launches two calls for proposals per year for the creation of units throughout Europe that bring together the best AI researchers.
To this date, the ELLIS network counts 30 units in 14 different countries.
Winner of the March 2020 call for proposals, the Paris node is the first one in France. Supported by two national research centres (CNRS and Inria), and by the main research and higher education institutions (PSL University, Sorbonne University, Paris University, and Paris-Saclay University), this unit will create a bridge between two AI clusters (Paris center and Paris-Saclay), three AI institutes in the Paris region (Institut DATAIA, PRAIRIE, and SCAI), and the other ELLIS units in Europe.
The Paris ELLIS unit will provide a common platform for the two AI clusters, allowing Parisian researchers and students to interact within the ELLIS network. Collaborations will be fostered through teaching programmes, conferences, seminars, and scholarships.