
Women at the head of the AI industry: "We should help sponsor women who already work in AI"

Women at the head of the AI industry: "We should help sponsor women who already work in AI"

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In order for them to focus on their research and work and not spend their time looking for funding, we should develop sponsorship for women who already work in AI.
Here is Julie Josse's testimony written by Tyler Gallagher for the web magazine "Medium".
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Tyler Gallagher

I think we should help sponsor women who are already working in the field of AI, so that they can focus on their research and work while having the opportunity to participate in communication actions (share their work, give conferences) and not spend their time seeking funding (because as I said, you can't do everything!). In addition, sponsoring women in technology meetings and diversity scholarships could be an important way to demonstrate awareness of diversity equality.

As part of my series on women leading the artificial intelligence industry, I had the pleasure of interviewing Julie Josse, professor of statistics at the École Polytechnique specializing in missing data and causal inference. Its main field of application is public health. At École Polytechnique, she is responsible for data sciences for the Master of Business Administration program, in collaboration with HEC. She has published more than 30 articles and written 2 books in applied statistics. Her experience in processing incomplete data is recognized by the community: she organized the MissData conference on missing values in 2015 and is often invited to give conferences to share her experience. Its objective is to promote methodological innovation in order to provide a useful application of its research to the user, particularly in the field of biosciences and health. Julie Josse is dedicated to reproducible research using the'R' statistical software: she has developed software packages including FactoMineR, denoiseR, missMDA to transfer her work. She is a member of the R Foundation and Rforwards to increase minority participation in the community. Julie grew up in Africa and French Polynesia before moving to Paris. She is passionate about statistics but also about travelling (often on horseback) around the world. She is also fascinated by nature and science. It is particularly interested in humanitarian issues and its long-term objective is to make greater use of its expertise for this purpose.

Tyler Gallagher

Julie Josse

Read the testimony of Julie Josse 

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