YPPOG (Youth Privacy Protection and Online Gaming) project

The collection of personal data from children is regulated in Europe by the RGPD (enhanced right to be forgotten, specific consent), in the US by COPPA (specific regulation to protect children's privacy).
An essential subject: the online games industry for children
- A multidisciplinary approach combining economics, law and IT;
- Innovative research with a multiple approach and the use of multiple data;
- Content with educational potential but also addictive and which may have implications for learning.
A major societal challenge
Massive data collection (profiling), poorly supervised (intensification and precociousness of use), minors less aware of the risks and more exposed to health problems linked to addictive content.
Numerous international initiatives
UN: General Comment No. 25 (2021) on the rights of the child in relation to the digital environment. Initiatives by all European DP authorities (UK ICO Age Code, Irish DPC's 14 fundamental principles for a child-centered approach to data processing...).
Consent analysis
- What is the consent of a minor?
- How can the RGPD be applied to online gambling?
- What does foreign legislation say?
- What solutions are currently implemented and how can they be improved?
Data processing analysis
- What data is collected?
- What is the legal basis?
- What are the purposes?
- How can we support industry players in implementing the RGPD in a reasoned way?
- Beyond that: is the content offered to children addictive?
Objective and method
To understand the economic, legal and technical mechanisms that enable effective protection of this vulnerable public, while continuing to stimulate innovation in this sector. A multi-disciplinary approach, a multi-disciplinary team accustomed to working in collaboration, combining forces for legal, economic and IT research that will lead to real recommendations.
Key figures
- 94% of children play video games
- 52% of children play every day
- 60% of 10-17 year-olds play online
Contacts : Alexandra Bensamoun | Benjamin Nguyen