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Date de l'événement (intitulé)
From Friday 11 January to Wednesday 20 February 2019
The team Infine from Inria Saclay - Île-de-France research center welcomes Antonio A. F. Loureiro, full professor in the Department of Computer Science at the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, during 3 months. His research
interests are in the design of distributed algorithms for distributed systems and ubiquitous computing, with issues mainly related to wireless communications for mobile entities. A seminar with 7 classes is scheduled from Friday 11 January to Wednesday 20 February at the Inria Saclay - Île-de-France research center in Palaiseau.
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Actualité | AAP

The technological advance in sensors and the development of IoT (Internet of Things) generate a growing number of space-time data that will test and analyze StreamOps, a new streaming platform. Karine Zeitouni, Yehia Taher (DAVID Laboratory, Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines University) and Cédric Gouy-Pailler (Laboratory of Data Analysis and Systems Intelligence, CEA List) decided to join their skills to propose to the scientific community a new, simple tool for developing powerful algorithms that can handle data flow problems. This tool will apply in particular in the medical field in collaboration with Philippe Aegerter (Inserm UMR 1168) and Marc Fischler (Foch Hospital, Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines University).
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Date de l'événement (intitulé)
Thursday 22 november 2018
As part of the Smart Lawyer project, selected by DATAIA Institute after the 2018 Call for Research Projects, David Restrepo Amariles (HEC Paris) and Michalis Vazirgiannis (Ecole polytechnique) organize a workshop with the Cyberjustice Laboratory of Canada on Thursday 22 november 2018 in Paris.
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Date de l'événement (intitulé)
Thursday 6th December 2018
A UK-France event organised by the UK Embassy in Paris on GDPR/EU Data regulation will be help on Thursday 6 December, 2018. At a time when the future of data regulation and cooperation between the UK and the EU post-Brexit is the subject of much debate, this event aims to establish dialogue as well as share experience and knowledge between British and French experts in the field of data regulation. It will provide a good platform to inform the audience of the UK and France's plans and cooperation around GDPR.
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Date de l'événement (intitulé)
Tuesday, 15 January, 2019
Within the framework of its Master "Artificial Intelligence & Advanced Visual Computing", the LIX, with the support of DATAIA, organizes every Tuesday from 2pm to 3:30pm seminars about "Ethical issues, law & novel applications of AI".
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Date de l'événement (intitulé)
Friday, November 30, 2018
Nozha Boujemaa will be speaking at the MIT Technology Review Innovation Leaders Summit to be held on November 30, 2018 in Paris.
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Date de l'événement (intitulé)
October 8 & 9, 2018
Nozha Boujemaa, head of DATAIA Institute, will co-chair a roundtable organised during AI Forum 2018 to be held in Finland on October 8 and 9 about "Algorithmic transparency – how to achieve it". Live webcast starts at 9am on 9 October.
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Date de l'événement (intitulé)
October, 17-18, 2018
This third edition brings together Researchers, Entrepreneurs, VCs and Executives to celebrate the French AI ecosystem.
Challenges are in front of us : technology, business, societal impact – and network !
DAY 1 – October 17th 2018 : Technology and Science – Audience: Developers and Researchers
Keynotes and panels from top AI researchers on Machine Learning, Deep Learning et Reinforcement Learning – and talks from Heads of AI Labs at large corporations incl. Twitter, Huawei, Criteo, Rakuten, Netflix, Facebook, Google, …
DAY 2 – October 18th 2018 : Applications and Society – Audience: Executives, VCs, public officials, AI “curious”…
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Actualité | AAP

Although the world has been shaken up by artificial intelligence and the exploitation of personal data, the place of individuals and the control of their data have become central issues in the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the law for a digital Republic. Célia Zolynski, Professor of Private Law at the University of Versailles - Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (UVSQ), and Nicolas Anciaux, Petrus team research director at Inria Saclay - Île-de-France, seized the opportunity offered by the DATAIA Institute to enable a collaboration of computer scientists and lawyers to analyse the Personal Cloud architectures available today, and establish the responsibilities of each of them with the central objective of protecting the individual.
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Date de l'événement (intitulé)
Tuesday 18 September 2018
CENELEC (European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization) organizes a workshop “Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence: building a framework with standardization” on Tuesday 18 september 2018 in Brussels. Nozha Boujemaa, head of DATAIA Institute, will speak about "The Challenges of Trusted AI".