The Program Committee is responsible for proposing scientific initiatives to the Strategic Committee. It selects the projects and activities to be supported. It is made up of representatives from eight graduate schools (known as "GS") of Paris-Saclay University, five national research organizations, one representative from Institut Minès-Télécom Business School, two representatives from Institut Polytechnique de Paris and HEC.

Fabrice Le Guel

Fabrice Le Guel is an economist, Maître de Conférences HDR at Université Paris Saclay, and a member of the board of directors of the Master 2 IREN (Industries de Réseau et Économie Numérique). His research interests include digital economics, innovation economics, network economics and privacy economics. He co-directs the 'HUMAAINE' Chair in Artificial Intelligence (HUman-MAchine Affective INteraction & Ethics) with Laurence Devillers, and is a member of the program committee of the DATAIA Paris-Saclay Institute.

Cyril Furtlehner

Cyril Furtlehner is an Inria Research Associate with a PhD in theoretical physics and an Hdr. After completing his thesis at the IPN Orsay, followed by successive post-docs at the Max Planck Institute Heidelberg and the University of Oslo, he first joined the PREVAL team at Inria-Rocquencourt, then the TAU team at Inria Saclay, to work on theoretical and applied topics related to stochastic processes and probabilistic inference. Since then, his research has focused on interdisciplinary topics, mainly statistical physics problems related to optimization and machine learning.

David Filliat

David Filliat is a professor in the Computer Science and Systems Engineering Unit (U2IS) at ENSTA Paris and a member of the INRIA/ENSTA Paris FLOWERS team working on developmental robotics. He is also Scientific Director of the Centre Interdisciplinaire d'Etudes pour la Défense et la Sécurité (CIEDS) at IP Paris. His research focuses on robotics, with a particular emphasis on perception and learning. His aim is to develop methods for simplifying the use of robots, making them more robust and increasing their autonomy.

Thibault Faney

Thibault Faney is project manager at IFP Energies Nouvelles in the Digital Sciences and Technologies department. His research focuses on the contribution of data sciences to the simulation of physical models, with particular attention dedicated to questions of guarantee on the solution and conservation of physical quantities. He has worked on projects related to flows in porous media, the control and optimization of wind farms, combustion for gas engines and turbines and even molecular dynamics for the development of catalysts.

Alexandra Bensamoun

Alexandra Bensamoun is Professor of Private Law and Criminal Sciences (Université Paris-Sud/Paris-Saclay - Centre d'études et de recherche en droit de l'immatériel CERDI), and a specialist in IP/IT. Appointed to the Conseil Supérieur de la Propriété Littéraire et Artistique (CSPLA), she has produced several reports for the French Ministry of Culture, for example on the status of Internet technical intermediaries and on the right of communication to the public.