DATAIA Seminars

DATAIA Seminar | « Solving inverse problems with invertible neural networks » - Ullrich Köthe

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Dans le cadre de son animation scientifique, l'Institut DATAIA organise des séminaires mensuels visant à échanger autour de l'IA.
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Ullrich Köthe (Université de Heidelberg) est l’animateur du séminaire DATAIA du mois de septembre, sur le theme « Solving inverse problems with invertible neural networks ».

Interpretable models are a hot topic in neural network research. This talk will focus on inverse problems, where one wants to infer backwards from observations to the hidden characteristics of a system. I will focus on three aspects of interpretability: reliable uncertainty quantification, outlier detection, and disentanglement into meaningful features. It turns out that invertible neural networks -- networks that work equally well in the forward and inverse direction -- are great tools for that kind of analysis: They act as non-linear generalizations of classical methods like PCA and ICA. Examples from physics, medicine, and computer vision demonstrate the practical utility of the new method.

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Le webinaire aura lieu le 24 septembre 2020 à 15h00 et il sera transmis en live broadcasting.

Il est recommandé d'utiliser Google Chrome, Firefox, ou l'App BlueJeans ( pour se connecter.


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