DATAIA Seminars

Séminaire DATAIA | «How machines learn to talk. Challenges and opportunities of neural approaches for Conversational AI» - Verena Rieser

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Lieu de l'événement
Centre Inria-Saclay - Bâtiment A. Turing - Amphithéâtre Sophie Germain


Dans le cadre de son animation scientifique, l'Institut DATAIA organise des séminaires visant à échanger autour de l'IA.
Corps de texte

Verena Rieser (Heriot-Watt University), et membre du comité scientifique de l'Institut DATAIA, est l’animatrice du séminaire DATAIA du 6 mars, sur le thème « How machines learn to talk. Challenges and opportunities of neural approaches for Conversational AI ».


Le séminaire sera fait à distance.

Corps de texte

Amazon Alexa, Apple's Siri or Google's assistant are able to converse with humans using language. The underlying technology - often referred to as spoken dialogue systems - have experienced a revolution over the past decade, moving from being completely handcrafted to using data-driven machine learning methods.
In this talk, I will review current developments including my work on using reinforcement learning and deep learning models, and evaluate these methods in the light of results from real-world applications. In particular, I will report our experience from experimenting with these models for generating responses in open-domain social dialogue as part of the Amazon Alexa Prize challenge, as well as for task-based system as part of the E2E NLG challenge - a shared task organised by my team.

Informations Pratiques
Corps de texte

Le séminaire sera suivi par un pot.

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