[CLOSED CALL] COFUND Demythif.AI | Call for international applications 2023

Université Paris-Saclay has launched a call for applications for 15 fellowships out of 40 possible PhD topics on the theme of "AI and Uncertainty", which will close on Wednesday January 17, 2024 at 23:59 CET.
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Demythif.AI | Appel à candidature 2023

[CLOSED CALL] COFUND Demythif.AI | Call for international applications 2023

  • Details on how to apply on ADUM


Corps de texte

The 15 successful candidates will receive full funding for a 3-year PhD, starting in autumn 2024. For each selected candidate, the Marie Sklodowska Curie DeMythif.AI European Action funds a doctoral scholarship of excellence, with a competitive salary higher than the normal French scholarship, funding for entry mobility and mobility during the doctorate. DeMythif.AI students will benefit from dedicated events, specific doctoral training and the opportunity to spend up to three months in an external company or laboratory, thanks to the support of complementary activities.

The DeMythif.AI "AI and Uncertainty" theme is broad: controlling uncertainties, managing explicability and encouraging frugality, across a wide spectrum of applications in fundamental or applied sciences and engineering. These PhD topics are hosted in top-level laboratories at the Université Paris-Saclay and supervised by leading researchers to train the next generation of AI scientists to answer exciting questions in diverse scientific fields.  Some PhDs are co-funded by companies.

The complete list of subjects is presented on this page: subjects are listed by doctoral school and then by host laboratory. Clicking on the title takes you to a page with details of the doctorate. In some cases, an additional pdf with scientific details may be provided.

DeMythif.AI is supported by CNRS, CEA, INRIA, INRAE and Onera, as well as IFPEN, LNE and ILLS, GIS LARTISSTE, IRT SystemX, EDF, GE Healthcare, IBM, RTE, Safran, Sanofi, SLB, startups Quantmetry, Cairnbio, LightOn and Phimeca.



More informations

  • the call closes on Wednesday January 17 at 23:59 CET

  • students of all nationalities must meet the MSCA criterion of having spent no more than 12 months in France since January 17, 2021

  • students must hold a master's degree in computer science or application science relevant to the thesis topic; the exact rule depends on the doctoral school in which the thesis topic is registered

  • students must have a C1 level or equivalent in English. No level of French is required

  • students may apply for no more than 3 subjects

  • an initial preselection of 45 candidates will be made on the basis of academic qualifications and documents submitted, including three letters of recommendation

  • if they apply for several subjects, they will be asked, after preselection, the 45 shortlisted candidates will be auditioned remotely to present their subject and answer questions from the jury

  • the selection committee, made up of renowned international specialists, will then select the 15 best candidates, together with a back-up list, at the beginning of May 2024

Details on how to apply on ADUM
Corps de texte

All applications must be submitted on the ADUM platform. Here are the step-by-step instructions:

  • note the name of the thesis director, and the doctoral school of the subject (French name), and the doctoral school (French name)
  • at the bottom of the page obtained by clicking on the title of a doctorate, click on "Candidat "
  • this opens the "espace de candidature au doctorat""log in" to your account or "create an account", if not already done
  • Etablissement : select Université Paris-Saclay GS <nom de l'école doctorale en français> , then the Ecole Doctorale (French name)
  • fill in the diploma (if any) required to apply for a doctorate
  • fill in another diploma
  • fill in other information (in particular, fill in your level in English and French)
  • then find the thesis subject, the easiest way being to use the name of the thesis director. Please note that at this level, you are exposed to all thesis subjects, so make sure you select the one that belongs to the DeMythif.AI program
  • fill in your motivation: start with "This is an application to the DeMythif.AI program"
  • fill in any additional information (internships etc... ) relevant to your application
  • open your application form (containing all the information you have provided, as well as the thesis topic), sign it
  • create a pdf with all the required information, up to 3 letters of reference (please ignore any indications for letters to be sent elsewhere)
  • the application deadline for the DeMythif.AI program is January 17 23:59, even if the specific PhD form mentions another date.

Finally, don't hesitate to consult this web page in the weeks leading up to the closing date of the call, as it may be enriched with answers to the most frequently asked questions. For all questions relating to international hosting (visas, accommodation, etc.), please consult the Paris-Saclay University International Welcome Center page.

Questions about the DeMythif.AI program in general and the selection process in particular should be sent to demythifai-contact@inria.fr.