Communiqué de presse

Launch of the SaclAI-School training program

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Launch of the SaclAI-School training program


The SaclAI-School training program at Université Paris-Saclay aims to develop an ambitious and innovative school of Artificial Intelligence (AI) around multi-disciplinary or AI-focused courses. It is led by the DATAIA Institute: the Artificial Intelligence Institute of the University of Paris-Saclay.
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Winner of the national CMA (Compétences et Métiers d'Avenir) call for expressions of interest launched by the ANR in December 2021, the SaclAI-School program draws on a unique ecosystem - France's leading AI ecosystem of over 800 researchers and teacher-researchers from forty-six laboratories within the perimeter of the University of Paris-Saclay.


The objectives of this training program are fourfold:

● Provide a comprehensive and attractive training offer for students and professionals;

● Expand training in AI and data science to meet societal challenges around AI by training diverse audiences at different skill levels, from acculturation to expertise in AI;

● Build an innovative framework for AI training, exploiting the diversity of skills in the academic and industrial worlds and the complementary pedagogical practices of universities and grandes écoles;

● Accompany learners through modular continuing education, in order to increase the level of AI skills throughout their professional lives and/or enable them to reorient themselves towards AI professions.

SaclAI-School builds on existing training courses and proposes a restructuring of a number of courses to refocus on Artificial Intelligence, in what are known as “core AI” or “AI applications” courses. In addition, several new Master's courses (M1 and M2 levels) will open at the start of the 2022 academic year, in both the Computer Science and Mathematics and Applications fields, as well as two new thematic courses in the M2 Mathematics, Vision, Learning.

The innovative nature of this training program is reflected in the development of several pedagogical tools made available to students and professionals:

TutorAI and MixtAI, to promote equal opportunities for students with the introduction of generalized tutoring (TutorAI) in various AI core disciplines, from BAC+1 to BAC+5 level, and an excellence scholarship program (MixtAI), promoting parity and social mix.

BrevetAI and new training courses, to provide training in AI acculturation, thanks to the development of an AI patent (BrevetAI) delivered by a “learning-by-doing” pedagogical platform offering training adapted to needs whatever the level of initial training, from post-bac to PhD; and to create or evolve internationally-recognized AI expert career paths, with AI and applications training courses geared to the needs of our society. These courses are supported by substantial computing resources.

RecrutAI and ReconvertAI, to provide an innovative service to socio-economic players by creating a new model for recruiting employees trained at SaclAI-School (RecrutAI) for companies and local authorities, and by setting up a retraining program (ReconvertAI) to train people for jobs involving AI.

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