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[🗣️ SEMINAR] IntheArt - Joël Chavas, CEA, Neurospin

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Séminaire l IntheArt
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Lieu de l'événement
CEA-Saclay, Neurospin, bât. 145, Amphitheater


Artificial intelligence (AI) is currently a rapidly expanding field. It applies to all fields: transport, health, logistics, security, finance and commerce. There are a plethora of examples where the use of AI algorithms is a particularly powerful tool. These include the development of autonomous vehicles, robots and decision-making software. So it's only natural that the CEA and its partners should be interested in these techniques. IntheArt is a project called DRF-impulsion, which aims to bring together different institutes within DRF and CEA around Machine Learning and more generally around artificial intelligence.
Joël Chavas, CEA, Neurospin
Corps de texte

How self-supervised deep learning help us understand cortical folding variability?