
The DATAIA Institute leads the SaclAI-School training program at the Université Paris-Saclay, which aims to develop an ambitious and innovative AI school based on multi-disciplinary, core-IA training courses.

Winner of the National Call for Expressions of Interest CMA (Compétences et Métiers d'Avenir) launched by the ANR in December 2021, this training program is led by Frédéric Pascal, Director of the DATAIA Institute, and Sarah Cohen-Boulakia, Deputy Director of the Institute in charge of training. The program is supported by a unique ecosystem - France's leading AI ecosystem - including 3 universities (Université Paris-Saclay, Université d’Évry, Université de Versailles-Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines), 3 "Grandes Écoles" (CentraleSupélec, ENS Paris-Saclay, AgroParisTech) and also the CEA, Inria and INRAE. These partners are complemented by CentraleSupélec Exed, a continuing education organization, and the FMJH, a foundation of excellence promoting mathematics and its interactions. The objectives of this training program are articulated around 4 axes:

  1. Develop an AI training offer on the Plateau de Saclay: establish a long-term foothold and provide a comprehensive and attractive training offer for students and professionals on the scale of the DATAIA ecosystem;

  2. Massify training in AI and data science: respond to societal challenges around AI by training diverse audiences at different skill levels, from acculturation to expertise in IA;

  3. Connect players in AI training: build an innovative framework for AI training, drawing on the diversity of skills in the academic and industrial worlds, and the complementary pedagogical practices of Universities and Grandes Écoles;

  4. Accompany learners through modular continuing education: increase the level of AI skills throughout professional life and/or enable reorientation towards AI professions.

To achieve these objectives, SaclAI-School recruits new teachers (from among researchers and industrialists) through a unified, inter-institutional program of attached professors, common to both Universities and Grandes Écoles. The innovative nature of this training program is reflected in the development of several teaching tools, available to students and professionals alike.


Press release (october 2022)
SaclAI-School graphic assets