Fondation Mathématique Jacques-Hadamard
The LMH (Hadamard Mathematics Labex), backed by the FMJH, has been selected for the call for bids "laboratoire d'excellence" of the national state program "investissements d'avenir".
The partner teams of the LMH are : CMLS and CMAP, École Polytechnique; CMLA, ENS Cachan; LMO, and BJH, University of Paris Sud; LMV, UVSQ; LAG, IHES; IPhT, CEA at Saclay; UMA, ENSTA; LTCI, Télécom ParisTech; LaMME, UEVE / ENSIIE; MaIAGE, INRA; MIA Paris, AgroparisTech
The LabEx Mathematics Hadamard (LMH) project, is intended to develop five specific scientific projects :
- Mathematics for Life Sciences
- Mathematics for Engineering
- Mathematics and Physics
- Mathematics and ICST
- EDMH (The Hadamard PhD School of Mathematics)
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