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DATAIA seminars

  • Upcoming Seminars
  • Past Seminars



DATAIA seminars

The DATAIA Institute animates the scientific community of Saclay and organises every month seminars with local and international hosts.
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Upcoming Seminars

No upcoming seminars for the moment.

Past Seminars
Date de l'événement (intitulé)
22 October 2019
Within the framework of its Master in "Artificial Intelligence & Advanced Visual Computing", LIX, with the support of the DATAIA Institute, is organizing a series of seminars on the theme "Ethical issues, law & novel applications of AI".
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Date de l'événement (intitulé)
18 October 2019 - 11am
The goal of these seminars is to welcome recognized researchers, but also PhD students and post-docs, around the field of signal processing and its applications.
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Date de l'événement (intitulé)
15 October 2019 - 2pm
Antoine Cornuéjols will lead a seminar@SystemX on October 15
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Date de l'événement (intitulé)
9th October 2019
Aapo Hyvärinen presents this DATAIA seminar's session on "Nonlinear independent component analysis: A principled framework for unsupervised deep learning"
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Date de l'événement (intitulé)
2nd october 2019
Arthur Mensch leads this seminar, organized by the École Polytechnique, on the theoretical properties of geometric loss
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Date de l'événement (intitulé)
1st October 2019
Jakob Runge leads this DATAIA seminar's session on "Perspectives for causal inference on time series in Earth system sciences"
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