« VADORE » (Valorization of data for job search) project

Unemployment is a multi-causal phenomenon, depending in particular on factors limiting the offre and demand for labor.


This project focuses on frictional unemployment, linked to informational imperfections, due to the costs of collecting, processing and diffusion of information, as well as to the asymmetry of information between suppliers and job seekers (DE), and to the cognitive limitations of individuals. These imperfections are one of the reasons why some jobs remain unfilled, even though there is significant job demand in the same employment sectors.

The central idea of the project is to mobilize all available information to improve the matching of EDs and job vacancies.

The project is based on the mobilization of a considerable body of information on EDs and companies, some of which (textual data in particular) is still unexploited. This information will be used to develop two functionalities, of a different technical nature and economic inspiration, and to evaluate and compare them rigorously. The first feature consists in issuing formalized recommendations to both EDs (on which companies to apply to) and companies (on which EDs to invite to recruitment interviews), using previous work (Schmitt et al., 2016, 2017). The second functionality consists in providing DEs and companies with an interactive job map, enabling them to view in an aggregated way the offres and job applications in a geographical basin and responding to a given query. The originality of this feature is that it allows users to access the overall landscape according to their query - and to see how the landscape changes according to any modifications of the query, enabling them to make not only choices but also requests in a more informed way.

Job space displayed with the Cartolabe tool

Contacts : Michèle Sebag | Marco Cuturi | Bruno Crepon | Christophe Gaillac | Philippe Caillou