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On 12 December 2019, the National Research Agency published the results of the call for projects « AI Chairs », launched last April.
Among the 40 selected, several researchers are part of the DATAIA Institute's ecosystem.
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The call for « Research and Teaching chairs in artificial intelligence » aims precisely to offer French and foreign researchers, with the support of h
Key figures
40, National AI Chairs selected
14, AI Chairs from Paris-Saclay
4, years of funding
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The technological advance in sensors and the development of IoT (Internet of Things) generate a growing number of space-time data that will test and analyze StreamOps, a new streaming platform. Karine Zeitouni, Yehia Taher (DAVID Laboratory, Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines University) and Cédric Gouy-Pailler (Laboratory of Data Analysis and Systems Intelligence, CEA List) decided to join their skills to propose to the scientific community a new, simple tool for developing powerful algorithms that can handle data flow problems. This tool will apply in particular in the medical field in collaboration with Philippe Aegerter (Inserm UMR 1168) and Marc Fischler (Foch Hospital, Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines University).
A generic but cutting-edge streaming platform The scientific community develops algorithms to manage data flows. The industrials want to analyze th
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Although the world has been shaken up by artificial intelligence and the exploitation of personal data, the place of individuals and the control of their data have become central issues in the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the law for a digital Republic. Célia Zolynski, Professor of Private Law at the University of Versailles - Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (UVSQ), and Nicolas Anciaux, Petrus team research director at Inria Saclay - Île-de-France, seized the opportunity offered by the DATAIA Institute to enable a collaboration of computer scientists and lawyers to analyse the Personal Cloud architectures available today, and establish the responsibilities of each of them with the central objective of protecting the individual.
Who is responsible for what? The GDPR replaces a directive dating back to 1995, therefore becoming the new European framework for the processing an
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Connected objects, specifically conversational agents like Google Home, bring a new dimension to interaction and could become a mean of influencing individuals. They are currently neither regulated nor evaluated and very obscure. Based on the study of "nudges", techniques to modify the behavior of people, the team of Laurence Devillers "Affective and social dimensions in the spoken interactions" with Ioana Vasilescu, Gilles Adda of LIMSI - CNRS, and the "Digital Economy" team from the RITM laboratory; Grazia Cecere, Fabrice Le Guel and Serge Pajak, University Paris-Sud, have decided to collaborate to highlight the importance of ethics in the creation of these objects.
Nudging: a new concept The winner of the Nobel Prize in economics, the American Richard Thaler, highlighted in 2008 the concept of nudge, a techniq
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Julie Josse, professor of statistics at the École polytechnique and researcher at the French Centre for Applied Mathematics (CMAP), and Gaël Varoquaux, Parietal team researcher at the Inria Saclay - Île-de-France centre, have decided to combine their expertise in order to tackle, together, the problems of missing data and to propose new decision support methods. The MissingBigData project has been selected by the DATAIA Institute as part of its first call for research projects. How did this collaboration come about? What are the challenges of their interdisciplinary research? Julie and Gaël present MissingBigData.
Getting mathematics and computer science to work together for a better solution to the missing data problem Two subjects - but the same problem
Contacts, The results of the DATAIA Institute's call for research projects 2018
Contenu textuel
Présentation du projet, Téléchargez la présentation du projet au DATAIA-JST International Symposium, 1
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VADORE, PEPER, Bad Nudge – Bad Robot, GDP-ERE, MissingBigData, Smart Lawyer, HistorIA and StreamOps are the names of the 8 projects selected by the Program Committee of the DATAIA Institute which launched at the end of 2017 its first call for research projects.
32 project proposals in at least one of DATAIA's four main challenges were submitted last February. Conditions of eligibility, these proposals had to
PEPER: prediction of prosummers with reinforcement deep learning Today, the world of electric power is facing major structural changes: the use of
VADORE : Data Valorisation for Job Research  Our project focuses on unemployment in France. Unemployment has many causes, and they involve mainly f
Bad Nudge - Bad Robot ? : Nudge and Ethics in human-machine verbal interaction Abstract: Our objectives in the DATAIA Project “NAD NUDGE BAD ROBOT”
GDPR and Personal Cloud: from Empowerment to Responsibility (GDP-ERE) In a world disrupted by Artificial Intelligence and the exploitation of perso
MissingBigData: missing data in the big data era “big data”, often observational and compound, rather than experimental and homogeneous, poses miss
Smart Lawyer: Rating Legal Services in the Courtroom On 11 May 2017, the French Cour de cassation handed down its decision n° 561 (16-13.669) on wh
HistorIA : Large historical databases. Data mining, exploration and explicability The development of computational approaches to social sciences ha
StreamOps: Next Generation Streaming Platform: System Requirements and Research Directions In the last few years, streaming platforms have become i