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VADORE, PEPER, Bad Nudge – Bad Robot, GDP-ERE, MissingBigData, Smart Lawyer, HistorIA and StreamOps are the names of the 8 projects selected by the Program Committee of the DATAIA Institute which launched at the end of 2017 its first call for research projects.
32 project proposals in at least one of DATAIA's four main challenges were submitted last February. Conditions of eligibility, these proposals had to
PEPER: prediction of prosummers with reinforcement deep learning Today, the world of electric power is facing major structural changes: the use of
VADORE : Data Valorisation for Job Research  Our project focuses on unemployment in France. Unemployment has many causes, and they involve mainly f
Bad Nudge - Bad Robot ? : Nudge and Ethics in human-machine verbal interaction Abstract: Our objectives in the DATAIA Project “NAD NUDGE BAD ROBOT”
GDPR and Personal Cloud: from Empowerment to Responsibility (GDP-ERE) In a world disrupted by Artificial Intelligence and the exploitation of perso
MissingBigData: missing data in the big data era “big data”, often observational and compound, rather than experimental and homogeneous, poses miss
Smart Lawyer: Rating Legal Services in the Courtroom On 11 May 2017, the French Cour de cassation handed down its decision n° 561 (16-13.669) on wh
HistorIA : Large historical databases. Data mining, exploration and explicability The development of computational approaches to social sciences ha
StreamOps: Next Generation Streaming Platform: System Requirements and Research Directions In the last few years, streaming platforms have become i