Event: DATAIA-JST International Symposium on Data Science and AI

Between 150 and 200 people involved in data science research are expected at this symposium organized by the DATAIA Institute and the Japan Science and Technology Agency in partnership with the MESRI and the French Embassy in Japan. Will be attending the research directors of the prestigious CREST programs of the JST: "Advanced Core Technologies for Big Data Integration" and "Advanced Application Technologies to Boost Big Data Utilization for Multiple-Field Scientific Discovery and Social Problem Solving" (equivalent of the ERC winners senior in Japan) as well as the supervisors of these programs: Pr. Kitsuregawa, Pr. Tanaka with Pr. Hagita Supervisor of the program "Intelligent Information Processing Systems Creating Co-Experience Knowledge and Wisdom with Human-Machine Harmonious Collaboration".
- 9h00 : Welcome
- 9h30 : Opening Speeches - Alain Beretz (DGRI - MESRI), Mr. Toshihiko Horiuchi, Minister, Embassy of Japan in France
- 9h45 : Symposium DATAIA and CREST Program Introduction: Scope & Objectives - Nozha Boujemaa (Director of DATAIA Institute, Research Director Inria) & Masaru Kitsuregawa (Director General, National Institute of Informatics / Professor, The University of Tokyo)
- 10h30 : Keynote "Bayesian Machine Learning" - Eric Moulines, professeur au Centre de mathématiques appliquées de l’École polytechnique, membre de l'Académie des Sciences
- 11h00 : Coffee-Break
- 11h30 : Keynote "Shallow and Deep learning at TAU" - Marc Schoenauer, directeur de recherche Inria
- 12h00 : Oral Plenary Session
- Tatsuya Harada (The University of Tokyo) - Harada Team (CREST Bigdata Core technology) : "Recognition, Summarization and Retrieval of Large-Scale Multimedia Data"
- Gaël Varoquaux & Nicolas Prost (Inria, Institut DATAIA) : "MissingBigData: missing data in the big data era"
- 12h30 : Lunch Cocktail
- 14h00 : Oral Plenary Session
- Satoshi Matsuoka (Tokyo Institute of Technology) & Osamu Tatebe (University of Tsukuba) - Matsuoka Team (CREST Bigdata Core technology) : "EBD: Extreme Big Data – Convergence of Big Data and HPC for Yottabyte Processing"
- Philippe CAILLOU (LRI - Institut DATAIA) : "Valorisation of Data for Job Research (VADORE)"
- Masato Oguchi (Ochanomizu University), Seigo Arita (INSTITUTE of INFORMATION SECURITY), Yoshiko Yasumura (Waseda University) & Sari Handa (INSTITUTE of INFORMATION SECURITY) - Yamana Team (CREST Bigdata Core technology) : "Secure Data Sharing and Distribution Platform for Integrated Big Data Utilization"
- Célia Zolynski (UVSQ - Institut DATAIA) & Nicolas Anciaux (Inria - Institut DATAIA) : "RGPD and Personal Cloud: from Empowerment to Responsibility (GDP-ERE)"
- Florence d'Alché-Buc (Telecom ParisTech) : "Structured Output Learning with Abstention: application to opinion prediction"
- 15h30 : Coffee-Break
- 16h00 : Oral Plenary Session
- Teruaki Hayashi (The University of Tokyo) - Yamanishi Team (CREST Bigdata Core technology) : "Knowledge Structuring for Cross-disciplinary Data Exchange and Collaboration"
- Bertrand Thirion (Inria) : "Toward rigorous e-science: statistical inference on high-dimensional models"
- Masaya Saito (The Institute of Statistical Mathematics) - Nishiura Team (CREST Bigdata Applications) : "Detecting premonitory signs and real-time forecasting of pandemic using big biological data"
- Claire Nédellec (MaIAGE-INRA) : "Ontology-based text mining for microbiology research"
- 17h00 : Break-Out Session
- 18h00 : End
- 9h30 : Keynote - Norihiro Hagita, Board Director, Director, Intelligent Robotics and Communication Laboratories, Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International
- 10h00 : Keynote "AI and HCI - Towards Human-Computer Partnerships" - Michel Beaudouin-Lafon, Professeur d'Informatique à l'Université Paris-Sud et membre senior de l'Institut Universitaire de France
- 10h30 : Keynote - Yuzuru Tanaka, Professor Emeritus, Hokkaido University
- 11h00 : Coffee-Break
- 11h30 : Oral Plenary Session
- Koichi Kise (Osaka Prefecture University) & Olivier Augereau (Osaka Prefecture University) - Kise Team (CREST Intelligent Information Processing) : "Quantified Learning by Deeply Sensing Learner's Behavior"
- Laurence Devillers (LIMSI-CNRS - Institut DATAIA) : "Bad Nudge - Bad Robot ? : Nudge and Ethics in human-machine verbal interaction"
- Yuji Matsumoto (Nara Institute of Science and Technology) & Ken Satoh (National Institute of Informatics) - Matsumoto Team (CREST Bigdata Applications) : "Knowledge Discovery through Structural Document Understanding"
- Pierre Zweigenbaum (LIMSI) : "Natural Language Processing for e-Health"
- Yutaka Yoshimoto, Deputy Director General (METI)
- 12h30 : Lunch Cocktail
- 14h00 : Oral Plenary Session
- Albert Bifet (LTCI) : "Machine Learning for Data Streams"
- Cédric Gouy-Pailler (CEA - Institut DATAIA) : "StreamOps : Open Source Platform for Research and Integration of Algorithms for Massive Time Series Flow Analysis"
- Naoki Katoh (Kwansei Gakuin University) & Chako Takahashi (Tohoku University) - Katoh Team (CREST Bigdata Core technology) : "Foundations of Innovative Algorithms for Big Data"
- Hossam Afifi (Télécom SudParis - Institut DATAIA) : "PEPER: prediction of prosummers with reinforcement deep learning"
- Takemasa Miyoshi (RIKEN) - Miyoshi Team (CREST Bigdata Applications) : "Innovating “Big Data Assimilation” technology for revolutionizing very-short-range severe weather prediction"
- 15h30 : Coffee-Break
- 16h00 : Oral Plenary Session
- Shuichi Onami (RIKEN) & Koji Koyamada (Kyoto University) - Onami Team (CREST Bigdata Applications) : "Data-driven analysis of the mechanism of animal development"
Vincent Fromion (MaIAGE, INRA, Université Paris-Saclay) : "Representation of biological data, information and knowledge: opportunities offered by systemic biology"
- Masayuki Hirafuji (The Universiy of Tokyo) & Guo Wei (The Universiy of Tokyo) - Hirafuji Team (CREST Bigdata Applications) : "Knowledge Discovery by Constructing AgriBigData"
Hervé Monod (MIA department, INRA) : "#DigitAg, the French Digital Agriculture Convergence Lab"
- 17h00 : Break-Out Session
- 18h00 : End
- 9h30 : Oral Plenary Session
- Christophe Prieur (Telecom ParisTech) : "HistorIA : Large historical databases. Data mining, exploration and explicability"
- Takeaki Uno (National Institute of Informatics) & Kunihiro Wasa (National Institute of Informatics) - Uno Team (CREST Bigdata Core technology) : "Data Particlization for Next Generation Data Mining"
- David Restrepo Amariles (HEC Paris) : "Smart Lawyer: Rating Legal Services in the Courtroom"
- 10h30 : Coffee-Break
- 11h00 : Oral Plenary Session
- Shunichi Koshimura (Tohoku University) - Koshimura Team (CREST Bigdata Applications) : "Establishing the most advanced disaster reduction management system by fusion of real-time disaster simulation and big data assimilation"
- Gregory Blanc & Mustafizur Shahid (Télécom SudParis) : "Machine Learning Based Intrusion Detection System for IoT Network"
- Masaharu Munetomo (Hokkaido university) - Aida Team (CREST Bigdata Core technology) : "Optimal Resource Selection in Application-Centric Overlay Cloud Utilizing Inter-Cloud"
- 11h45 : Wrap-up Discussion- Nozha Boujemaa & Masaru Kitsuregawa
- 12h45 : Closing of the event
Ministère de l'Enseignement Supérieur, de la Recherche et de l'Innovation - Poincaré Amphitheater
25 rue de la Montagne-Sainte-Geneviève
75005 Paris
Click here to see the address on Google Map
Access :
- RER B - Saint-Michel Notre-Dame
- Metro 10 - Maubert Mutualité
- Bus 86 - 63 - 87 Monge Mutualité
- Bus 47 - 24 Maubert Mutualité
- Bus 89 Lycée Henri IV
- Bus 84 Panthéon
From Paris Charles-de-Gaulle airport (50-55min) :
Charles de Gaulle 2 TGV airport - RER B direction Saint-Rémy-lès-Chevreuse or Massy-Palaiseau
> stop Saint-Michel Notre-Dame
> walk: take the direction South-East Boulevard Saint-Germain (450m), turn right Boulevard Saint-Germain (10m), turn right Rue de la Montagne Sainte-Genevieve (270m) (11 min)
From RER Saint-Michel Notre-Dame stop - Bus 63 (direction Gare de Lyon) or Bus 86 (direction Saint-Mande)
> walking connection to Boulevard Saint Germain (3min) - Cluny stop
> stop Maubert Mutualité
> walk: take direction Ouest Boulevard Saint-Germain (20m), turn left Boulevard Saint-Germain (30m), turn left Rue de la Montagne Sainte-Geneviève (270m) (4min)
From Orly Ouest airport (40-45min) :
Orly-Ouest Aérogare - Metro OrlyVal (direction Antony)
> stop Antony
> RER B direction Aéroport Charles de Gaulle 2 TGV
> stop Luxembourg
> walk: take the direction North-East Boulevard Saint-Michel (90m), turn right Rue Soufflot (30m), turn right Rue Soufflot (260m), turn left Place du Pantheon (90m), turn right Place du Panthéon (130m), turn left Place Sainte-Geneviève (110m), turn right Rue de la Montagne Sainte-Geneviève (50m) (12 min)
From Luxembourg stop - Bus 89 (direction Porte de France)
> stop Lycée Henri IV
> walk: take direction East Rue Clovis (20m), turn left Rue Descartes (120m), turn right Rue Descartes (30m), arrival Rue de la Montagne Sainte-Geneviève (2min)
Click here to see the bus and metro map
Accommodations (nearby) :
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