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Actualité | AAP

Connected objects, specifically conversational agents like Google Home, bring a new dimension to interaction and could become a mean of influencing individuals. They are currently neither regulated nor evaluated and very obscure. Based on the study of "nudges", techniques to modify the behavior of people, the team of Laurence Devillers "Affective and social dimensions in the spoken interactions" with Ioana Vasilescu, Gilles Adda of LIMSI - CNRS, and the "Digital Economy" team from the RITM laboratory; Grazia Cecere, Fabrice Le Guel and Serge Pajak, University Paris-Sud, have decided to collaborate to highlight the importance of ethics in the creation of these objects.
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Actualité | AAP

Julie Josse, professor of statistics at the École polytechnique and researcher at the French Centre for Applied Mathematics (CMAP), and Gaël Varoquaux, Parietal team researcher at the Inria Saclay - Île-de-France centre, have decided to combine their expertise in order to tackle, together, the problems of missing data and to propose new decision support methods. The MissingBigData project has been selected by the DATAIA Institute as part of its first call for research projects. How did this collaboration come about? What are the challenges of their interdisciplinary research? Julie and Gaël present MissingBigData.
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Actualité | International partnerships

The Alan Turing Institute signs agreement with the DATAIA Institute to promote collaboration between France and the UK.
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Actualité | Artificial Intelligence

Following an open selection process, the Commission has appointed 52 experts (among more than 500 applications) to a new High-Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence (AI HLG). Nozha Boujemaa, director of DATAIA Institute and Senior Research Scientist at Inria, has just been appointed member of this group comprising representatives from academia, civil society, as well as industry.
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Actualité | Event

The DATAIA Institute and the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), in partnership with the the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation (MESRI) and the French Embassy in Japan, organized a France-Japan workshop on "Data Science and AI, Core Technologies and Applications For a New Society".
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Actualité | AAP

VADORE, PEPER, Bad Nudge – Bad Robot, GDP-ERE, MissingBigData, Smart Lawyer, HistorIA and StreamOps are the names of the 8 projects selected by the Program Committee of the DATAIA Institute which launched at the end of 2017 its first call for research projects.
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Actualité | DATAIA

Thursday, March 29, on the occasion of the presentation of the Villani report and the summit "AI for Humanity", Emmanuel Macron announces the creation of a French network of Artificial Intelligence coordinated by Inria and quotes the Institute DATAIA.
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Actualité | DATAIA

The launch day of the DATAIA Institute was held on Thursday, February 15, and brought together nearly 200 people at CentraleSupélec on the Saclay plateau. This event was an opportunity to present the Institute, its vocation, its objectives and how researchers from member institutions can respond to calls for projects launched by the Institute to obtain funding for their research projects.
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Actualité | International partnerships

During the visit of the Quebec Prime Minister, Philippe Couillard, in Paris, the two institutes signed, on Wednesday, March 7, 2018 at the Chambre du Commerce et de l'Industrie, a memorandum of understanding for the strengthening of science and innovation partnerships between France and Quebec.