The Program Committee is responsible for proposing scientific initiatives to the Strategic Committee. It selects the projects and activities to be supported. It is made up of representatives from eight graduate schools (known as "GS") of Paris-Saclay University, five national research organizations, one representative from Institut Minès-Télécom Business School, two representatives from Institut Polytechnique de Paris and HEC.

Pierre Zweigenbaum

Pierre Zweigenbaum, PhD, FACMI, FIAHSI, is a Senior Researcher at the Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire des Sciences du Numérique (LISN, Orsay, France), a laboratory of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) and the Université Paris-Saclay, where he led LISN's natural language processing group for seven years. Prior to the CNRS, he was a researcher at the Paris Public Hospitals in an Inserm team for twenty years. He was also a part-time professor at the Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales for ten years.

Lina Ye

Lina Ye studied computer science and information systems at the University of Surrey, England, and at the Université de Paris-Sud 11. She then obtained her PhD in Computer Science from the Université de Paris-Sud 11, France, in 2011. She held a post-doctoral position in the CONVECS research team at Inria Rhône-Alpes in 2012-2014. She is currently Associate Professor in Computer Science at CentraleSupélec, Université Paris Saclay.

Emmanuel Vazquez

Emmanuel Vazquez is a researcher in the field of Bayesian design and analysis of computer experiments (Bayesian DACE). He teaches Bayesian statistics at CentraleSupélec. He is also the coordinator of data science projects. In the past, he has also taught functional analysis and probability theory. The design and analysis of computer experiments involves using statistical approaches to solve problems such as approximation, uncertainty quantification, optimization, etc., involving computer programs (or simulators) that emulate physical systems (see, for example, Santner 2003).

Nicolas Soulié

Nicolas Soulié is a lecturer in digital economics at Institut Mines-Télécom Business School. He holds a PhD in economics from the Université Toulouse 1 - Capitole. His work focuses on personal data and online privacy issues on social networks (discrimination, targeting, etc.), and on the impact of information technologies (smartphones, applications, etc.) on individual mobility (decisions, well-being, etc.).

Sophie Schbath

Sophie Schbath obtained her PhD in Statistics from the University of Paris V in October 1995. She did her thesis at the Biometrics Laboratory of INRA (Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique) in Jouy-en-Josas, where she obtained a permanent research position in August 1996. In 1996, she spent a year as a post-doctoral fellow in Los Angeles, working with Simon Tavaré and Michael Waterman. In 2000, she joined the new multidisciplinary MIG (Mathematics, Informatics & Genome) laboratory at INRA-Jouy, and received her habilitation on September 22, 2003.

Gaël Richard

Gaël Richard is Executive Director of Hi!Paris and Professor at Télécom Paris, Institut Polytechnique de Paris. His research work lies at the heart of digitization and is dedicated to the analysis, transformation, understanding and automatic indexing of acoustic signals (including speech, music and environmental sounds) and, to a lesser extent, heterogeneous and multimodal signals. In particular, he has developed several source separation methods for audio and music signals based on machine learning approaches.

Julien Peloton

Julien Peloton holds a PhD in Physics of the Universe, and is a research engineer at the Irène Joliot-Curie Laboratory of 2 Infinite Physics (IJCLab). His work focuses on the real-time processing of large masses of data on distributed computing infrastructures, such as the cloud. He is a project leader in astronomy, and is actively involved in teaching computer science in physics courses at the Université Paris-Saclay.


Mathilde Mougeot

Mathilde Mougeot is a researcher and professor in data science at the École nationale supérieure d'informatique pour l'industrie et l'entreprise (ENSIIE), and holds the Industrial data analytics and machine learning chair at the Centre Borelli. Her atypical career path, in industry and academia, gives her a dual skill set that she puts to good use in data science research and teaching.

Cécile Mallet

Cécile Mallet is head of the TRIED (Information Processing and Data Exploitation) Master's program at the University of Versailles-Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (UVSQ). Teaching: Numerical methods - Data analysis - Statistical modeling - Neural networks - Statistical learning. Research: statistics applied to the environment - observation and modeling of atmospheric precipitation (extreme events) - spatial remote sensing. Specializations: Research in statistics applied to the natural environment, Teaching, Research contracts, Journal reporter, Habilitation to direct research.