
Results of the call for research projects DATAIA 2020

Results of the call for research projects DATAIA 2020

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ML4CFD, machine learning for computational fluid dynamics : the laureate of the DATAIA 2020 call for research projects
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Launched last January, the DATAIA 2020 call for research projects aims to support multidisciplinary AI research and synergies among its ecosystem. 

To be eligible, the projects submitted had to address at least one of the Institute's four main challenges and to be based on the collaboration of at least two people from two founding institutions (not belonging to the same laboratory or hosting institution).

The selected project is the result of a collaboration between Inria (TAU project team) and IFP Energies nouvelles, and will receive funding of €202,000 over 36 months.


The objective of the ML4CFD is to significantly accelerate multiphase flow simulations by introducing state-of-the-art approaches based on machine learning.


The quality of the proposals and the richness of the topics allowed the selection committee to consider a second project in a complementary list: TRIA - les TRavailleurs de l'IA: a social and linguistic analysis for the governance of automation.

The projects in detail
Corps de texte

Main list


Project directors 

  • Jean Marc GRATIEN (IFPEN)
  • Thibault FANEY (IFPEN)
  • Michele-Alessandro BUCCI (Inria)
  • Guillaume CHARPIAT (Inria)
  • Marc SCHOENAUER (Inria)

Complementary list

TRIA : Les TRavailleurs de l'IA : a social and linguistic analysis for the governance of automation.

Project directors :

  • Paola Tubaro  (LRI, CNRS-Université Paris-Saclay) 
  • Nacéra Seghouani Bennacer (LRI, CNRS-Université Paris-Saclay)
  • Antonio Casilli (IMT – Télécom Paris)
  • Ioana Vasilescu (LIMSI, CNRS)
  • Gilles Adda (LIMSI, CNRS)
  • Lori Lamel (LIMSI, CNRS)
  • Sophie Rosset (LIMSI, CNRS)
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