The Executive Committee (or board) is responsible for overall project management, and for appraising scientific and strategic actions for submission to the strategic and program committees.

David Rousseau

David Rousseau is a physicist and Director of Research at CNRS/IN2P3 in the IJCLab-Orsay Université Paris Saclay laboratory. He is a member of the ATLAS collaboration at CERN's Large Hadron Collider, mainly studying the physics of the Higgs boson. He has a particular interest in the use of Artificial Intelligence in physics and science more generally, in particular substitution models, dimensionality reduction and classification in the presence of uncertainties.

Claire Nédellec

Claire Nédellec is a research director in computer science, in charge of the Bibliome team (INRAE Jouy-en-Josas and Université Paris-Saclay). After 10 years spent at the LRI (Université Paris-Sud) as a PhD student under the supervision of Yves Kodratoff, then as a teacher-researcher, she joined the MaIAGE unit at INRAE, where she created the Bibliome team. Her research focuses on extracting information from texts in the life sciences and formalizing it using ontologies.

Antoine Cornuéjols

Antoine Cornuéjols is a professor at AgroParisTech, in charge of the EKINOCS (Learning and Integration of Knowledge) team within the UMR AgroParisTech/INRAE MIA-Paris. His research focuses on learning from data streams, transfer learning and supervised and unsupervised collaborative learning methods. He is co-author with Laurent Miclet and Vincent Barra of the book “Apprentissage Artificiel. Concepts and algorithms. From Bayes and Humes to deep learning” (4th edition in 2021).

Fatiha Saïs

Fatiha Saïs is a University Professor at Université Paris Saclay and a member of the Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire des Sciences du Numérique (LISN), where she leads the LaHDAK (Large-scale heterogeneous data and knowledge) team. Her research focuses on: data linking and fusion in the Web of Data, error detection and fact validation in knowledge graphs, as well as the discovery of graph rules and patterns in graph data for data linking, link prediction, decision making and the explanation of causal relationships.

François Terrier

Director of Research at CEA, François Terrier is in charge of the Artificial Intelligence program at CEA. After a PhD in AI and 10 years of R&D in the field, he conducted research on software engineering and trust systems. Author of more than 100 publications, he was CEA's representative in the network of excellence on real-time systems led by Joseph Sifakis, and a player in standardization on the subject with the OMG.

Emilie Chouzenoux

Émilie Chouzenoux received her engineering degree from École centrale, Nantes, France, in 2007, and her PhD in signal processing from the Institut de recherche en communications et cybernétique (IRCCyN, UMR CNRS 6597), Nantes, in 2010. Between 2011 and 2019, she was a lecturer at Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée, Champs-sur-Marne, France (LIGM, UMR CNRS 8049). Since September 2019, she has been a researcher at Inria Saclay, in the CVN laboratory at CentraleSupélec, Université Paris-Saclay.

Sylvain Chevallier

Sylvain Chevallier is a professor at the Université Paris-Saclay and works in the Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire des Sciences du Numériques (LISN) on geometric methods for multivariate time series analysis and prediction, as well as anomaly detection. He worked for 10 years at the Versailles Systems Engineering Laboratory on assisting people with disabilities, integrating brain interfaces into experimental and collaborative art-science applications. He is vice-president of the CORTICO learned society for the promotion of brain interfaces.

Alexandra Bensamoun

Alexandra Bensamoun is Professor of Private Law and Criminal Sciences (Université Paris-Sud/Paris-Saclay - Centre d'études et de recherche en droit de l'immatériel CERDI), and a specialist in IP/IT. Appointed to the Conseil Supérieur de la Propriété Littéraire et Artistique (CSPLA), she has produced several reports for the French Ministry of Culture, for example on the status of Internet technical intermediaries and on the right of communication to the public.

Sarah Cohen-Boulakia

Sarah Cohen-Boulakia is a university professor at LISN, the Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire des Sciences du Numérique at Université Paris-Saclay. She has been working for twenty years with multidisciplinary groups bringing together computer scientists and biologists from various fields. She is director of the CNRS GDR MaDICS on data science and interdisciplinarity. She is also heavily involved in teaching activities at the University (head of the Master Bio-Informatics, pedagogical coordinator of the SaclAI-School project).

Frédéric Pascal

Frédéric Pascal holds a PhD in Digital Signal Processing from the University of Paris X-Nanterre. From November 2006 to February 2008, he was a post-doctoral fellow in the Digital Signal and Information Processing team at the SATIE laboratory, CNRS, ENS Cachan, France. Between March 2008 and December 201, he was an assistant professor in the SONDRA laboratory at CentraleSupélec. In 2012, he obtained an Habilitation à Diriger la Recherche (HDR) in Signal Processing at Université Paris-Sud.